Radial Auto Services Garage Repairs
Garage Repairs
At Radial Auto Services we can repair your vehicle whatever the problem is using
top quality products, parts, and the best possible service to ensure that your vehicle
can safely get back on the road. It is our policy that a mechanic needs to explain
to the customer what needs to be done to his vehicle and show the outcome when the
job is done. We always follow the manufacturer's recommendations and we ensure that
all repairs are carried out to the highest standard in our clean and well equipped
Proven products
In our garage we use products that are the most reliable and good value for money.
These products are products we have used over the years and based on our experience
have proven to be reliable and can quarantine long term performance.
Products and parts used during garage repairs are the most reliable and good value
for money. These products and parts are the ones we have used over the years and
based on our experience have proven to be reliable and can quarantine long term
We do repair for all makes and models faults in:
- Brakes
- Gearboxes
- Engines
- Clutches
- Electrical Systems
- And more ...
If your car is in an undriveable condition we can arrange a pick up.